NBX Tournament betting Demo Site
Monday, March 24, 2008 by NBX Crew
The NBX Tournament Betting Platform allows gaming operators to tap into new revenue and differentiate their sites by adding an exciting social competition. It is available as a hosted solution or as licensed software depending on customer needs.
Tournament Betting is an activity that players engage in with their friends - so they keep coming back time after time. The social aspect also means low marketing costs as players recruit each other. Because players wager on a large number of games within each contest, Tournament Betting is a great test of skill as well as being a ‘soft’ option for those who do not wish to engage regularly in traditional betting....
- Low Operating Cost - Players recrruit players, meaning low marketing costs
- No House Risk - Unlike a traditional sports book - because the house keeps a percentage of each buy-in no matter what the outcome
- Exciting – Players get to wager on a large number of outcomes
- Social activity – Players run their own tournaments with friends and rivals
- Compelling – Skilled game which is easy to learn, difficult to master
- Rewarding – Can be structured to reward big prizes to a few or distribute winnings to more players
How It Works
Players compete in tournaments to see who can win the most points from the house or other players. The winner walks away with the other players’ tournament buy-ins. The house keeps a percentage for hosting and operating the tournament.
- Buy-In - Each player contributes a cash “buy-in” to a prize pool
- Wager - Players wager a virtual bankroll of points on a series of outcomes
- Win - The players who win the most points collect cash prizes from the pool or earn buy-ins to higher stakes tournaments
The system ensures that there is alaways a public tournament that anyone can join and any player can easily set up their own tournaments and invite their friends.
This demo site is open to a select audience of business partners to show the platform in action with real games and odds. All the major US sports are supported including Major League Baseball, NFL and College Football, NBA and College Basketball and Hockey. Adding more sports is as simple as integrating the relevant feeds from our partners. Please contact us to see our internationally focused site with UK and European soccer.
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